Brahmaputra Grand Canyon-II

Brahmaputra Grand Canyon

Brahmaputra Grand Canyon
Starting from Daduka Village in Milin County (2,880 meters above sea level) in the north to Basika Village in Medog County (115 meters above sea level) in the south, the Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon is 504.6 kilometers long, with an average depth of 2,268 meters and a deepest point of 6,009 meters. , with an average altitude of more than 3,000 meters, is the world’s largest canyon. The entire canyon area is intertwined with glaciers, cliffs, steep slopes, mudslides and huge rivers, creating a very harsh environment. Many areas are still untouched and can be called “the last secret areas on earth”. They are one of the rare blank areas in geological work.

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